Transform Into a Wizard in Seconds

Transform Into a Wizard in Seconds is an AI photo editing tool that will make you put on a wizard hat virtually in 3 seconds. All you have to do is complete a simple operation on, and you'll be able to unlock your wizard image.

Transform Into a Wizard in Seconds

Make Funny Stickers and Memes

Make Funny Stickers and Memes
You can add an anime wizard hat to photos to make funny stickers and memes from your photos. You can spark your conversation and inject more joy into your chat to boost your online performance.

Make Funny Stickers and Memes

Generate Your DnD Character

Generate Your DnD Character
If you are a DnD enthusiast, you can try to build a wizard character to optimize your game experience online or offline. Embark on your adventure with a mystical and mystical wizard.

Generate Your DnD Character

Customize Your Wizard Filter

Customize Your Wizard Filter launches an incentive program to encourage users to build wizard filters from text and images. You can envision your ideal wizard hat and enter proper prompts to bring it to life on

Customize Your Wizard Filter

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Your questions, answered

How do I add a hat to a photo?

Firstly, browse and select from 15K+ hat effects on Then, upload the photo and click the "Generate" button. Finally, within several seconds, a hat is added to your photo and the image is complete and free to download and share.

Is there an app that lets you try on hats?

Yes, is an excellent AI photo editing tool that lets you try on different hats, from graduation hats to birthday hats virtually. You can see your new look with

What is the app that adds hats to photos? is an online app that allows users to add hats to photos. You can see your picture with hats on it within several clicks.

Is there an app to add things to pictures? is an all-in-one photo editing tool that is designed to cover all editing needs. You can add both sticks and text to your pictures to generate a satisfactory output with AI techniques.